Papilio rumanzovia

Scarlet Mormon

Basic Information

General information

Family: “Papilionidae”
Sub Family: “Papilioninae”
Estimated Lifespan 14 Days

Garden Specific Information

Estimated Number In Flight: 3
Total Number of Pupae Received: 3057
First Flown On: 10/14/02
Last Flown On: 10/12/24

Species Range:

  • “Asia”

Host plants:

  • The larvae feed on several species of Citrus plants.

Food Source

Adults can be found nectaring on a variety of flowers.

Etymology Of Name

The genus Papilio is Latin for butterfly. The origin of the specie rumanzovia is currently unknown.


Scarlet Mormons are usually found within primary forest, but they often venture out into the surrounding areas.

Life history

Males patrol and defend their habitat from invading males while they look for receptive females. After mating, the females look for host plants to lay their eggs on. The caterpillars feed on the host plant until they form their pupae.


The flight time of the Scarlet Mormons in the wild is currently unknown.

Fun Facts

The Scarlet Mormon is sexually dimorphic which means the males and females look different from each other. The females are also polymorphic which means there is also variation in the way the females look.